Monday, November 2, 2009

Welcome November

I think Ava managed to adjust to the time change. Hallelujah. I got a little worried when she woke up at 6:00 yesterday morning. She's still sleeping and I'm about to go pour myself a cup of coffee. Mornings start off best when I have a cup of coffee in me before she wakes up.

She's so much fun right now. Everyday she does something new and/or funny and I am kicking myself for not doing a better job and noting them down. The only one I can think of at the moment happened last week. I was working in the kitchen and had given her some cheerios as a snack. My back was to her and suddenly I feel this little hand smacking me on the backside. I turned around and there she was looking up at me very earnestly and making the hand sign for "more". She was out of snack and letting me know it.

Oh and also she nearly gave me a heart attack a few days ago when I realized it had been about a minute since I'd last seen her pushing her highchair around the living room. I went into the kitchen and she was SITTING IN HER HIGHCHAIR LOOKING OUT THE KITCHEN WINDOW! I literally did a double take. She likes being in her highchair and she likes looking out the window and I guess she just decided to push it to the window and then climb in. When I came in she just gave me a look like, "What? I don't see anything unusual going on?" She's not a climber and I shudder to think how she got herself up in that highchair with out falling. Needless to say I've been much more careful with letting her play with her highchair now.

Here's some recent pictures. We went to her friend Evie's costume birthday party on Saturday and scored a great deal on a costume by waiting until Halloween day to buy it. The party favors were fairy wings and there were a pair that perfectly matched Ava's dress. So cute.

About 30 minutes before we had to leave for the party Tony and I decided to dress up too. This is what we came up with . . .

The birthday girl, Evie.

Evie's mom Amy made yummy homemade Mac N Cheese for everyone

Evie's brother Simon

And Simon with his Nacho Libre mask.

Princess Lily

Present time. Evie got a play kitchen from her parents and everyone got her accessories for it. Fun. Ava had a bit of a melt down though because she wanted to play with the food and feed the doll. . . I guess I know what she wants for Christmas . . .

Ava playing in their backyard in this cool tree house at Simon and Evie's.


Elicia said...

sounds fabulous :)

Danielle Kroelinger said...

Anthony, how is it that you can take pics anywhere and make them look professional!?! Some of those shots look like you were in a studio to do. Wow! You all look great in your outfits :-)...and, Ava is getting so old to scare her mommy already! It's crazy how fast they can learn to do things they are motivated to learn!