Tuesday, December 21, 2010


So after Ava's bath this afternoon I was getting her dressed and she was talking about soccer. And this is the conversation that followed.

"Do you want a soccer ball?"

"Yeah! And go to shoe shop."

"You want soccer shoes from the shoe shop?"

"Yeah soccer shoes to kick ball."

"You want soccer shoes so you can kick the ball?"

"Yeah. Kick ball with Dada."

"Ok, we can get a soccer ball and kick it with Dada."

"In the park? In the sun?"

"Yeah we can go to the park and kick the ball with Dada tomorrow or the next day."

"Go in the car?"

"Yeah, we'll go maybe tomorrow" "Ok lets get in bed for your nap."

"Noooooo . . .no nap!" (crying) Go to park and play soccer! No nap go to park with Dada!" (more crying and crying)

Apparently she missed the part about going tomorrow. Two year olds . . . But after I explained that we couldn't go today because 1) We didn't have a soccer ball and 2) Dada was at work she stopped crying and then reading her favorite George (Curious George that is) book made everything alright again and she was off to sleep . . and to dream about soccer . . .

And while I'm at it. Here's some pictures of our trip to the Texas State Fair. Thanks to the Robbin's hot tip a few years back it's become a bit of a family tradition for Tony to take a half day off work on a Wednesday so we can take advantage of the can food drive and discount admission to the fair. Not to mention smaller crowds.

Our favorite place in the whole Fair is the petting zoo. They have all kinds of exotic animals, most with babies at their sides, that you can feed and pet including zebras, giraffe, kangaroos, Scottish Highland cattle, Emu, along with the usual llamas, pigs, goats, sheep, donkeys. Such fun! We stop by at least twice.

Ava feed some grain to a hungry goat.

Madelyn liked all the animals too!

Tony testing out the Dodge Challenger.

A new favorite, now that we have little girls was this miniature farm exhibit. It was right up Ava's alley. She took it all very seriously, from putting on her work apron and gathering fake apples from the trees, to milking the plastic cow and planting "seeds" in the garden. Once she made it all the way through and delivered her fruit, eggs, milk, corn and wool to the Farmer's Market, they gave her pretend money and she got to go to the General Store and pick out any of the snacks she wanted there. She chose a package of peanut butter crackers and was adamant that that is what she wanted. The girl knows her mind I tell ya.

Off to the "farm"

Planting seeds in the garden.

Picking vegetables from the garden.
Ava carefully took one of each and filled up her bucket. All the other kids around her were just taking a handful and running to the next station. Not Ava.

What a sweet little dairy maid. :o)

Collecting eggs from the hen house.

Driving Madelyn to Market.

Emptying her produce into the bins at the Farmer's Market.

Little Bo Peep


Poet Louie said...

wow you have the cutest little kids and great pics .

Braley Mama said...

Where do you go to Farmers Market?
I totally thought that was a doll in the back of that tractor :O)
Miss you!

tony and teressa said...

Thanks Poet Louie!

It wasn't an actual Farmers Market Summur just a pretend one. But there's an actual one in Dallas that I've been to and one in Frisco and one in Lewisville that I keep meaning to go to . . .