Saturday, August 7, 2010

Froot Loops and Yogurt

No, we don't eat Froot Loops and yogurt together. Gross! Well... it actually may be pretty good. But I better turn to a different topic. I have a way of writing about nothing and writing lots about it. I wonder why more people don't type nonsense like I do. I guess this is the result of having speed typing skills and a tiny brain. Many words about nothing in particular...

Had a great time at a local pastors conference on Thursday. It was an early morning, getting up before 5am to drive to a magical place named Athens, TX. I say magical because it appeared that the town had more churches in it then any other type of business. I like Texas.

While at that conference, Teressa gave me a call. She was cracking up laughing and wanted to tell me about a conversation that Ava and her just had. It went like this:
Ava walked up to Teressa in the living room:
Teressa - "What have you been doing Ava?"
Ava - "Cleaning up"
Teressa - "Oh, what were you cleaning?"
Ava - "The Kitchen."
Ava took Teressa's hand and led her into her room and over to the kitchen. She showed her how the sink was empty. Teressa asked where the dishes were now. Ava then opened her cabinet to show her the stacks of dishes that were now on the kitchen shelves. Then Teressa told her "Good girl, your Daddy would be very proud of you!! You know how much he likes a clean kitchen!"

Today, Ava and I had lots of fun together. We took off for the morning to go pick up some produce for the house. We also visited some garage sales, fed lots of ducks, went to a new playground, and split an ice cream cone! I always enjoy Saturday mornings with Ava.

I will post some photos soon from my Mom's visit last weekend. We had a great time together and Ava cried when she left. I think Ava will miss, most of all, how her grandma would read her books. Book after book... it was amazing. If you will keep reading, then Ava will keep listening. It's like a race. At the end of the story, before you can say the words "The End," she will yell out "ANOTHER BOOK!!" I'm so happy she likes to read. I'm also glad that we found her a bunch more books at a garage sale for 10 cents each today.

Ava is becoming quite a mommy to her stuffed animals and baby dolls lately. Whatever she sees her Mom doing with Madelyn, Ava is quick to do with her dolls. We can never lay Madelyn down in her rocker or bed,without first removing one or multiple swaddled dolls from the area first. She likes to get them dressed with any random clothing nearby. The other day, I found her Ducky trying on my flip flops. I felt awkward asking him to move aside...

1 comment:

maa(:SIS said...

how nice your daughter is beautiful