Saturday, June 28, 2008

meeting grandpa jim

well, ava was three weeks old on wednesday. and to celebrate, she got her first real bath. photos of that are coming soon... gotta keep in suspenseful you know :-)

ava was pretty excited to meet her grandpa jim yesterday. he flew in from washington and has had lots of opportunities to hold ava, while tress and i rest our arms. i havn't gotten him to change a diaper yet, but the stay isn't over. we'll see ;-)

strange middle of the night story time. teressa says that i woke up her up last night and put my hand on her shoulder and was smiling, looking directly at her and very excited. she says that i said "were planting churches! tomorrow, were planting churches, were planting churches!" don't remember any of it.

ava also went to her first rodeo tonight! thats right. she was born in texas and she is already going to rodeos. wow. what a cowgirl. photos of that are coming soon too.

enjoy some of these recent photos though.

ava liked meeting her auntie debi - especially since she brought the gift of all gifts with her. a chocolate hot fudge shake.

now thats a tony rizzo face. ha ha

gettin to know grandpa jim

i don't know this guy yet, but he's got a bottle. must be trustworthy...

mother, grandpa, and daughter

you cannot fool me with your confusing "baths are fun" phrases

the frown is born

"help us obie won konobee. your are only hope." - princess laya. (acted out by ava rizzo)

some friends came to visit last week. chrissy is a natural with babies.

prediction time. these two above will be some great parents, and i predict it will be rather soon. oh yeah, another fun fact. these two, jd and chrissy, walked into a bank robbery on friday! they walked in and everyone had their hands up. and right then the guy was walking out of the bank and just took off on foot. crazy.

ava likes stephanie. she's so happy.

sarah comes from a large family. she knows how to handle a baby :)

daddy, hold me.

1 comment:

JD & Chrissy said...

Ha! I love my horse face in that photo! Thanks Rizzos...
