So last night Tony asked me if I had been keeping track of all the funny/cute things Ava's been doing. And while I have been making note of all the important milestones on her calendar I had to admit to him I don't ever really make note of the day to day stuff, to which he replied, "That's what we made the blog for." So I'm going to make a more concentrated effort to blog about the daily events (don't worry, I could never be committed enough to blog daily, so you won't have to weed through pages of my ramblings to get to Tony's pictures of Ava).
So with that said, the last few days have been a challenge for both Ava and I because she's learned to roll. The problem is that she doesn't like to be on her tummy, so she rolls herself on to her tummy, but then can't always remember how to roll herself back onto her back, resulting in crying. Which means she cries herself to sleep and then cries when she wakes up and finds herself on her tummy. Since she never cries when she wakes up and rarely cries when we put her down to sleep this is hard for both of us to get used to. She is becoming more proficient roller so hopefully this crying stage will be short lived.
It's also been hard to find a way to safely "stash" her now that she's becoming mobile. Yesterday I laid out a cushy large blanket on the floor and anchored it down with our dining room chairs so she could roll around to her hearts content. She is already trying to scoot herself on the blanket so she can reach her toys. Crawling here we come . . .
I'll end with an effort to make up for some of the things I haven't notes so far about Ava's first 5 months of life. . .
Some things I love about Ava.
1) I love how chatty she is, especially in the mornings. When I first get her out of her crib in the morning and I'm changing her diaper she loves to tell me all about her night, the circus elephants that came to her room and how she got to fly with the birds from the tree outside her window. I tell her she's making up stories, but she swears it's all true.
2) I also love how about once a week she wakes up in the middle of the night and yells into the darkness. Not sad or upset, just talking to whoever or whatever. . .at the top of her lungs.
3) I love how she shrieks with joy and laughs to herself. I wonder what she's thinking about. . . probably me ;o)
4) I love that she grabs at the toys hanging from her play mat not only with both hands but with both feet at the same time. Little monkey.
5) I love her cheeks.
6) I love that she can anticipate now when I'm going to tickle her and starts giggling before I even touch her.
7) I love the way her face lights up and she smiles when she hears her dad walk in the door after work.
8) I love it when she's standing on my lap and she tucks her chin into her neck, stretches her arms out, frowns and makes growling noises. I call her Godzilla when she does this.
9) I love that she loves stuffed animals (although I have made a solemn vow that she will never own more than a few at a time and will NEVER hang a stuffed animal hammock in the corner of her room to store them in). I love that she particularly likes the frog her Grandma Mary bought her and wriggles and smiles when ever she sees it and laughs when I squeeze it for her and it "ribbits".
10) And lastly (at least for this blog entry) I love the special crumpled face and high pitched shrieking wail she lets out if I stop her from eating before she's ready so I can burp her.
I love Ava.
I hear her talking in her crib. Hey, she woke up from her nap and isn't crying!
Joe and I loved the story. Thanks for sharing.
Grandma Beth
I solemnly promise also to never hang a stuffed animal hammock.
Thanks, Teressa. That was great! MM
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