Thursday, December 11, 2008

photos from ava's 6 month check up!



when ava sees the size of the needle ;-)

alone on the scale

weighing in at a super healthy 17.70 pounds. 97% in height. 75% in weight.

ava helping the nurse to measure her head


hey dude

one of her new favorite toys, now that she is teething

ava has a crush on her doctor. she literally stared at him and smiled the whole time. when he made comments or talked to her, she would just start giggling!

our poor little baby. she only shed a couple of tears after her shots.

ava feeding herself a bottle

the best kisses ava can give

my two ladies

yay! ava's 6 month check up was a huge success!


Beth said...

Ok, how adorable are all these pictures?!!

banderclip said...

aww - she looks so cute and huggable! I'm glad her checkup went great - Annie still doesn't know what to think of the dr. It's a love hate relationship.

Captain Rizzo's Log said...

Ava is getting so big it seems like forever since we were at Ocean City Beach. Grandma and Granddad Joe can't wait to see her on Christmas Day.

Amy said...

Ava looks so modest in one picture, and then in the next, she is happily unclothed! So funny!