Four weeks or so ago the ladies and I went out for a walk. Ava begged to bring her baby doll in her stroller and I let her so it was a very leisurely stroll. But Ava kept lagging behind and after stopping a few times to tell her to "C'mon" I realized what was happening. About every 5 feet Ava would stop, pretend to pull out a camera from her pocket, hold it up to her eyes, say "click", pause and then return her "camera" to her pocket. And she wasn't just randomly taking shots, she was walking along looking around and stopped to take pictures of trees, bushes, cars and anything else that caught her fancy. I nearly died. I had to call Tony at work and tell him what his daughter was doing. He was so proud. And now Madelyn and I will never be able to walk anywhere with the two of them without it taking FOREVER.
One morning I told Ava that she needed to drink more juice because her kidney's needed the juice to be healthy. Later that afternoon she got thirsty and yelled, "I need juice for my kidneys!"
A couple weeks ago we were feeling a little under the weather and I kept asking Ava if she felt sick and she would always reply, "my toes feel sick". Not sure why she said this, but I thought it was funny!
And on a sad note, on February 24th Hi-You passed on. That morning I referred to her as "Hi-You" and she said, "My name not Hi-You. It's Ava Rizzo." I asked if I could still call her Hi-You sometimes and she did say yes, but she only rarely calls herself Hi-You now and if she does she catches it and says "Ava" instead. Sad. I was just getting over being embarrassed when I accidentally called her Hi-You in the store in front of strangers who thought I actually chose that name for her myself. I was not ready for Hi-You to leave us just yet. . .
But luckily I have a few sweet references to Hi-You to remember her by. My two favorite are Ava on her knees in front of Madelyn, holding a toy out to her, and saying "Crawl to Hi-You! Crawl to Hi-You!" and her running around after her bath with her hooded towel on her head like a cape and yelling "Super Hi-You!!!"
But Ava is really into all our names lately anyhow. She's learned my first name and Tony's and is always asking us what our names are. And yesterday at dinner she called me Teressa instead of mommy. Oh yeah, she's also gone this week from calling us "Mama" and "Dada" to "Mommy" and "Daddy" and has even called my just plain "Mom". Wow.
Madelyn is just on the verge of crawling. She gets up on her hands and knees and rocks back and forth and will push herself forward but she just can't quite get the forward motion thing going. But any day now I'm sure she will. She is such a sweet baby. She loves her Mama, Dada and Ava more than anything right now. So much in fact that for the past couple months she gets a bit hysterical if we try and leave her any where. She's happiest when she's being held loves being cuddled, which makes it hard for me to lay her down especially at night if she's still awake. She gets the saddest little face and big fat tears roll down her cheeks and if I even will just put my hand into the crib with her she's grab it and cup my hand on her cheek and close her eyes and be perfectly happy. But the moment I move my hand her eyes pop open and she starts crying again. It's hard to say no to that, but then again it's hard to stand there for 20 minutes of the precious two kid free hours I have with my husband at night.
Madelyn started talking "baby talk" on January 21st. Using consonants and even saying some "dadadada" and "mamamama". I think when Ava started doing that we counted that as her first words. But we held out for Madelyn to get a little more distinct. I think we can safely say though that she said her first word last Saturday March 5th, because we were eating dinner and Madelyn looked across the table at Tony and said, "Dada" and Ava looked up at me and said, "Madelyn said 'Dada'". If Ava can recognize it as a word, surely it is. I think I've heard Madelyn say "Ava" a few times too actually but I'll have to confirm that before we officially document that.
She learned to clap on February 8th and hasn't stopped since. She loves to laugh and clap! And her bottom two teeth finally came in the first one on February 20th and the second one on the 23rd.
And now here's some pics . . .
Ava taking pictures with her Little Tykes camera
Madelyn's first meal of rice cereal 1/8/11
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