Sunday, March 6, 2011

Teressa's Surprise Birthday Party

We had a fun little party for Teressa tonight. Her birthday is on Friday and I knew that if I wanted any chance on surprising her, it would need to be before and not too close to the actual day. She is pretty good on picking up on stuff when something weird is going on.

We made it all the way til the front door. Teressa noticed a camera in my hand and was wondering what was up. I made up some lame excuse and then we went inside. Teressa had thought that we were just having dinner at a friends house and when we had stood there for a minute or two and nothing happened, she figured it really must be just dinner.

Surprise! I'm so glad our friends helped put this together and it was definitely a good time hanging out tonight. Chicken Alfredo. Garlic bread. French cake. Ice Cream. Coffee. Well, at least I know that I had fun...

Ava walked right up to Uncle David and handed him a book. He quickly drew a crowd. I think he has a "Mr. Rogers" gift that he never knew about.

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