Thursday, December 3, 2009

Snow in Dallas?

well, we are officially home. and happy that we returned the night before our first snowfall.

we got to spend last week in florida with family for thanksgiving. thank you dad for making it all happen. we got to spend lots of time with my (tony's) dad and his wife beth, my sister danielle, her husband matt, their kids morgan and adam, my grandparents and my great grandmother. it was a really nice time. we left florida on tuesday and it was 80 degrees. we woke up in Dallas, TX on wednesday and it was snowing. what a gift! i was just talking about praying for snow the night before in our car ride home from the airport.

i will post lots of fun photos soon. heres a couple of the snowfall. i tried to teach ava how to catch snowflakes on her tongue. she has been learning a couple of new dance moves also, by they way. i need to get some new video clips up.


Anonymous said...

I have a Christian friend who just moved there - well to Texas from Alaska - let's blame this on her. :) God bless! Nothing better than snow that doesn't stick - except to your tongue.

Summer said...

I somehow managed to miss the snow. By the time I looked out the window (about 10:45) it had already melted. Boo hoo. Next time I guess.