Monday, December 7, 2009

Trees, Cookies, Lights and Fun

We had lots of fun this weekend decorating and getting into the Christmas spirit! Ava had lots of fun picking out a tree, exploring all the shiny decorations that came out of the attic, discovering Christmas cookies, and helping hang lights outside. One of her favorite parts of the weekend was putting the star on top of the tree. I held her up, but thought that I would have to guide her hand. Nope! She knew what to do and got it on her first try!

Ava had lots of fun making Christmas cookies and even more fun eating the frosting. For most of the time, she just played with it and tried to decorate cookies... but then I gave her a taste, and that was it. She was interested in eating after that!

We made some fun cookies and got really really messy.

Ava LOVED rolling the dough with the rolling pin. When her mama finally took it away, she cried and cried. She's gonna be a good lil baker.

Ava liked pushing the cookie cutters into the dough too. She thought it felt really weird though and sure gave her dada a strange look when he ate some.

Here we are after we picked out a tree. One of Ava's favorite things to do is to push the cart. No matter what store were in, or how much walking will be involved, she LOVES to push the cart.

Just look at that strength and determination!

Christmas Joy

These trees smell goooood!

Ava sorting through the lights. Good luck unravelling them. :-)

So after we unravelled a bunch of used lights that we found in a box, we hung them and everything was going great... til they mysteriously just turned off. We still havn't found the solution or how to turn them back on, but it was a fun experience while it lasted.

This was Ava last night. This is a little sink that came out of her toy kitchen. One second she was playing with the kitchen. The next, the sink is on the ground and she is sitting in it, along with her baby!


Unknown said...

ava is adorable!

Katie said...

hi tony! this is katie, Adrienne's friend. I've been getting into photography and checking out your photos. how do you get such good indoor shots? Do you attach a flash? What do you use to edit? Thanks! Katie