Wednesday, December 16, 2009

when the moon hits your eye

like a big pizza pie...

do you make pizza at home? if so, you might want to start. i know its something that i want to do more of. its fun to do as a family. you get to control exactly how much of what you want on it. they are fun and messy to make together. did i mention how good they taste?

our favorite is hawaiian, so we decided to make one of those the other night.

teressa showing ava how to flatten out the dough

ava trying to do what her mama is doing

ava doing what her mama was NOT doing.

Yum. Yum. Yum.

Dedicated to our good friends Strat and Doreen, living in Hawaii.
We have no idea if "Hawaiian pizza" is actually Hawaiian or not though...


Sarah said...

Just a note to let you know that I love reading your blog and seeing Ava grow. I know that I didnt get to know you guys extremely well when I was at GFA but I truly appreciate seeing you serve the Lord as a family. It is a huge blessing and encouragement. Have a wonderful Christmas and God bless you this coming year!

Beth said...

I love to make pizza! My favorite part is all the fresh basil and oregano I pull from outside - makes it so tasty!