Thursday, June 17, 2010

She Sang to Me

Tonight, I got to spend time with Ava while Teressa went to a ladies bible study/prayer meeting. Ava was pretty emotional tonight. I'm not really sure how to describe it. It's just that everything made her cry. If a toy fell off her dollhouse steps, she started crying. If the puzzle piece wouldn't go in, she started crying. So I did what any Dada does when he wants to bring a smile to his daughters face... pulled out the ice cream.

She was the happiest girl as we finished her milk afterward, brushed her teeth and got ready for bed. Even though she was getting to bed 45 minutes later then her bedtime, I feel like I did a pretty good job, all in all. But the best part came when I brought her into her room to go night night. She put her head on my shoulder and just started singing. For about 10 or 15 minutes, we rocked and she sang. I'm used to being the one who sings. It was such a blessing to hear her humming, and I'm sure if she knew the words, she would have sang them.

Thank you for praying for Teressa and the blood clot in her leg. She got an ultrasound yesterday and found out that the blood clot appears to have stayed in the same place and hasn't gotten bigger. While I was a little disappointed, because I was praying for it to be gone, I praise the Lord that it hasn't moved into a more dangerous area. She will get another test next week. The doctor said that after she has the baby, it might release some pressure, and maybe that will help it dissolve. Otherwise, they are thinking about possible surgery to remove it.

Last night, around 8pm, Teressa started having contractions. After seeing that she was having 4-6 contractions each hour for the past few hours, we realized that Baby Madelyn could be coming that night... Like coming out of a dream, we realized that we hadn't gotten anything together really, because we were planning on the baby not coming for another couple of weeks. As the contractions continued, we started throwing some clothes and stuff into bags and getting some of Ava's stuff together. When I went to bed, I wondered if Teressa would be waking me up or not, but I slept til the morning. Phew. At least were packed now...

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