Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Today, I put an entire serving bowl of pasta salad down the kitchen drain. "What was she thinking?" you ask. I was thinking I was wanting to keep the trash can from becoming a big soupy mess and attracting more flies. What I wasn't thinking about is the fact that it would inevitably clog the garbage disposal.

Being a good wife, I did some quick internet research and discovered that baking soda, vinegar, boiling water, and a plunger should take care of most clogs. After using up all the baking soda and vinegar in the house, I had to confess to Tony what I had done. We bought more vinegar and baking soda, but as of 10:09pm tonight, the drain is still clogged.

This means that instead of being able to check off anything on my "Things to do before the baby comes" list, I made a mess of the kitchen when I should have just had my leg up on a stack of 5 pillows with a heating pad like the doctor told me too.
Doctor - "Teressa, what are you going to do next time?"
Teressa - "I'm gonna listen to what your saying to me."

Yep, last week I found out that I have a blood clot in my right leg. Its not in a deep vein, which could cause serious complications, but the vein it is in leads to a deep vein nearby. So I have been instructed to keep my leg up as much as possible, keep a heating pad on it, and where compression stockings. And yes, it's in the upper 90's here. I was hot all the time even before this happened, so adding a heating pad and nylon stockings to the mix hasn't helped. I have also learned that elevating your leg above your heart isn't so easy when your pregnant belly gets in the way.

A few weeks ago, Ava discovered that Momma and Dada's kisses were "magic" and would heal all boo boo's or "ouchoo's." This turned into every tiny bump becoming an ouchoo which needed kissed, resulting in a good 20 kisses a day.

This morning, when I went to get Ava out of her crib, she stood up, pointed at her mouth and said "Ouchoo!" I asked her, "Is your mouth ouchoo?" She opened her mouth wide and pointed at the back of her throat. Trying to determine whether something in her mouth hurt or if her actual throat hurt, I asked her a second time, "Where's the ouchoo?" She opened her mouth as wide as she could and put her face about 1/8 inch away from mine to give me a closer look. By this point, I was pretty sure that she was talking about the back of her throat and she probably thought I was an idiot.

Later on, before lunch, after having already kissed several imaginary ouchoos, Ava came up to me, saying "Big toe ouchoo!" I was on the couch with my leg up and was not feeling like getting down to her toe level to kiss her ouchoo. So I told her "You kiss it." Standing there, she lifted up her big toe to her mouth and kissed it. She then giggled and went back to playing with her dollhouse.

Ava has really been loving her birthday pool. (Her dad has not been loving inflating it with his hand pump) We got her an inflatable ring from the dollar store that she always has around her waist. She loves laying on it and kicking her legs, swimming around her pool. And if you say to her "Your swimming! Your swimming!" she gets the biggest grin on her face. Ava would spend all day in the pool if she could.

Tomorrow, I have another ultrasound in my leg to check on the blood clot. Please pray that it will be gone.

(ps: this blog entry was transcribed by my loving husband Tony, while I spoke from the couch with my leg elevated)


D said...

Hey Teressa- definitely been praying for you and will continue. I will admit, your blog post provided some much needed chuckles to start our morning AND it resulted in Greg and I contorting our bodies into strange positions as we tried to see if we could kiss our own toes. Sitting - maybe. Standing - no way!

BradMad Fox said...

I relayed this blog post to Ruthie and she said, "She not move? I want her to move. Why she not move? We pray." So we prayed for you today, Teressa. :)

tony and teressa said...

Dorinda and Maddie, thank you so much! Your comments were very encouraging. We miss you!

And yeah... I lost the ability to kiss my toes, while standing up, quite awhile ago :-)